About Us

We provide clean and safe drinking water using advanced atmospheric water generation technology. We extract moisture from the atmosphere, the same air we breathe every day, producing #CLEANWATERFORALL.

Water Rescue

Bringing water to those in need, creating sustainable clean water solutions for the world. AWG / MWF provides a sustainable high impact life line to communities

Certified Drinking Water

Bringing water to those in need, creating sustainable clean water solutions for the world. AWG / MWF provides a sustainable high impact life line to communities


Rapid Response

AWG / MWF strengths does not come from physical capacity, it comes from an indomitable will. Emboldened by state of the art technology and fit to provide rapid response putting human life before all else

Disaster Relief

Bringing the fight to where it matters. Water Rescue and Disaster impacted communities is where AWG / MWF thrives and excels. Bringing hope to water crisis and disaster zones.

Globally Connected

From the successful missions from Flint Michigan, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas, AWG / MWF is tackling Global crisis bringing Water Generation solutions across the globe.

Sustainable Solutions

Disaster struck communities may not have the infrastructure in place to power complex Water Generation solutions. AWG / MWF provides perfect solution utilizing solar powered clean energy to create potable water adapting to real world circumstances.

HDewO is the Canadian division of AWG Contracting headquartered in San Antonio Texas, headed up by Army Ranger Moses West, CEO of AWG Contracting. Mr. West combines a very unique background as a prior member of the United States Armed Forces where he is an esteemed member of the 75th Ranger Regiment, the Second Armored Division, the Second Infantry Division, the Seventh Cavalry Regiment and the 101st Airborne Division. The experiences of military deployment provided Mr. West with unique appreciation for the value of water coupled with his advanced technical skills, propelled him into his lifelong mission of creating the most advanced leading-edge technology to produce water from air. His objective is to end drought and save lives!
Moses West’s story, experience, and ambition all seem larger than life. As a self-described military brat, he was born in Georgia, moved to Germany, and spent most of his childhood in Houston, Texas. He served three years as an Army Ranger, then went to flight school and piloted helicopters including the Chinook. A combat injury sidelined his career but didn’t slow him down.

Moses remembered learning about the hydrologic cycle in elementary school, recalling that water is a closed-loop cycle. It moves between the oceans and atmosphere and land while changing between liquid, solid, and gas form. “We still have the same amount of water on the earth that we’ve always had. You borrow it and you give it back,” says Moses. His Atmospheric Water Generator simply borrows the H2O molecules from the air temporarily. “Water is here and it’s abundant and it’s a source that technology can remove and let us use it without any stress on our infrastructure.”
The machine that Moses developed was innovative from the start. One of the challenges of scaling up atmospheric water generation technologies is the amount of energy they require to function. Many units on the market today are very energy intensive.

Not this machine, though. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality requires power consumption no higher than 0.13 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per liter for approval. The unit developed by Moses used only 0.08 kWh in testing, and in Puerto Rico achieved 0.05 kWh.
He has continued to make tweaks to the design to minimize energy usage. He says, “The one thing that everyone says is going to happen on this earth is that we are going to run out of water, and that’s just not true because we walk around in all the water, we need every day.”


Water is all around us. Driven by our goal to provide clean drinking water to all people. AWG/HDewO provides clean, safe and sustainable drinking water using the most advanced Atmospheric Water Generation technology. We extract moisture from the atmosphere and create clean drinkable water.


Our tour of duty is our proof of impact. Wherever there is a water crisis, HDewO is present. At HDewO we understand that water is a pillar for life and community development.


HDewO is a pioneer in Atmospheric Water Generation. Our vision is to end the worlds water crisis by utilizing modern technology without harming the environment, extracting the humidity from the air we breath by harnessing mother nature.
Through research, education, and innovative sustainable solutions we build capacity and empower communities to thrive economically, socially, and environmentally into the 21st Century.