Our Products

AWG Water Throughput

AWG’s Advanced Industrial Atmospheric Water Generators

Using a small percentage of electrical power that is produced daily in excess of the demand, we have the capability to produce over 12.1-million-acre feet of water annually using the proven technology of Atmospheric Water Generation.
The production of water by our AWG units are operational using all types of fuels to include renewable energy sources such as solar. AWG Contracting LLC is continually evolving our technology to create greater efficiency in the consumption of energy and water production. AWG Contracting LLC has developed the most energy efficient generators manufactured in the world today as verified by Dr. Les Shephard. 

We now have the ability to group both the AWG5000 (1,320 gallons a day) and the AWG10000 (2,641 gallons a day) units together in groups of any number necessary to provide water to military installations, schools, neighborhoods, hospitals, emergency services, deserter relief, towns, cities to include ground water or aquifer recharge. The technology is an extremely flexible platform for the delivery of water directly to locations where water is required. The need for extensive infrastructure is completely eliminated with the use of our units. AWG Contracting LLC engineers, designs and manufactures the most advanced industrial atmospheric water generator units available. Our advanced patented
Technology transforms the atmospheric humidity into clean potable/drinkable water at the lowest power consumption rating.
Our state-of-the-art AWG technology extracting H2O molecules from the atmosphere in the same manner as rain is formed – by condensing atmospheric water vapor from the humidity suspended in the air. Our AWG technology process pulls air through a high-volume air filter and mechanically creates the natural process of condensation producing large amounts of water.

Mass hydration striving for effective global impact

HDewO, has a unique advantage over its competition, in where our units are scalable and can produce clean drinkable water in higher volumes than our competitors. We supply industrial atmospheric water generation systems to large-scale military, governmental, non-governmental, and business organizations around the world. A single Atmospheric Water Generation unit can produce up to 2,200 gallons / 8,400 liters of water a day with a mere footprint of 9 x 8 x 7 feet. Furthermore, according to Dr. Les Sheppard from the University of San Antonio when measured against other Atmospheric Water Generators, the measured energy consumption per gallon of water produced for the AWG technology system is lower than any other unit reported.

Water is essential to human life. Yet, worldwide, 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water. Agriculture consumes more water than any other source and wastes much of that through inefficiencies. Water shortages may be caused by climate change, such as altered weather patterns including droughts or floods, increased pollution, and increased human demand and overuse of water. By 2025, two-thirds of the world’s population may be facing water shortages. When waters run dry, people can’t get enough to drink, wash, or feed crops, and economic decline may occur.


  • Atmospheric Water Generators produce water from the atmosphere in large quantities in regions with humidity as low as 20%.
  • The warmer and wetter the region, the higher the content of water evaporation, and the greater production of water.
  • Water production facilities are constructed to meet the increasing demand for water. For example, 30 AWG5000 units can produce over 20 million gallons of water a year based on environmental conditions.


  • Atmospheric Water Generator’s are able to produce water with lower energy consumption.
  • The energy efficiency of Atmospheric Water Generators when powered by electricity or other renewable energy sources, is the key to economic viability.
  • A key economic advantage of Atmospheric Water Generator’s is the ability to provide “point specific water production” at the site where water is required.
  • Water shortages may be caused by climate change, such as altered weather patterns including droughts or floods, increased pollution, and increased human demand and overuse of water. A water crisis is a situation where the available drinkable, uncontaminated water within an area is less than that area’s demand.

World’s most technologically advanced industrial atmospheric water generator

  • We have the ability to harness the power from waste fuel byproducts, greenhouse gasses such as methane, and convert them into drinking water with this technology.
  • We supply industrial atmospheric water generation systems to large-scale military, governmental, non-governmental, and business organizations around the world.

Mass hydration striving for effective global impact

  • Water Quality validated by TCEQ & University of Texas
  • A single Atmospheric Water Generation unit can produce up to 2,200 gallons / 8,400 liters of water a day with a footprint of 9 x 8 x 7 feet.

What our Collaborators are Saying

“We have plotted the expected performance (energy (kWh) per gallon) based on information provided in company literature for each company including AWG Technology. The measured energy consumption per gallon of water produced for the AWG Technology System is lower than any other unit reported.”

Les Shepard, Ph.D.
Professor of Civil Engineering
– University of Texas San Antonio

“Relatively moist and warm air enters the unit, it condenses on a cool surface inside the unit, water droplets gather on a drain pan, and then those water droplets are carried away.”

Dr. Diana Glawe
Associate Professor of Engineering
– Trinity University

“I think it’s a game changer,”

Ted CowanDisaster relief consultant – Puerto Rican government.